Three views up Henry Street through history, showing the old Lounsbury location, later replaced by Miramichi’s City Hall, and the post office in the background.
Ritchie Wharf Park in Downtown Newcastle undergoing initial construction.
A pair of elephants parading by what is now City Hall on Henry Street, Downtown Newcastle.
A man and his moose on a smoke break in front of Stothart Mercantile, Pleasant Street.
A father and child standing in front of Mitchell’s Groceries in Downtown Newcastle.
Queen Elizabeth Park, as seen from above.
Then & Now: The Wandlyn Motor Inns and Chatter’s Pub and Eatery on the corner of Newcastle Boulevard and Pleasant Street.
Gallivan’s Book Store, current site of River Rehabilitation Services, on Newcastle Boulevard.
Horses carry their passengers in carriages around Newcastle’s town square, at the bottom of Newcastle Boulevard.
Newcastle’s old town hall and fire station beside the Royal Cafe, current site of the Newcastle Kin Centre, Newcastle Boulevard.
Past and present comparison of the view down Newcastle Boulevard at the intersection with Pleasant Street.
A truck on Mitchell Street bearing advertisements for Evangeline Ginger Ale, a Maritime brand produced by the Annapolis Valley Cider Co. in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia.
R.A. Jacobson Watchmaker, Newcastle Boulevard.
Lounsbury’s former location at the corner of Henry Street and Pleasant Street, current site of Miramichi’s City Hall.
A bird’s eye view of Newcastle, looking up the Town Hill from above Queen Elizabeth Park.
Spectators watch a parade turn onto Pleasant Street from Newcastle Boulevard.
The Basket Centre across from the Black Horse Tavern on what is now Newcastle’s industrial waterfront, Newcastle Boulevard.